Abortion and Regret | Saginaw County Right to Life https://scrtlmi.org Every human being has an inalienable right to life. Sat, 08 Feb 2020 01:00:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 106597206 Pro-Life News Roundup for 2-10-20 https://scrtlmi.org/pro-life-news-roundup021020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pro-life-news-roundup021020 https://scrtlmi.org/pro-life-news-roundup021020/#respond Mon, 10 Feb 2020 14:00:06 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=799 The American Super Bowl has come and gone with all sorts of interesting entertainment for people of every walk of life.  One thing absent from the largest television audience of the year was a particularly emotional advertisement for the pro-life cause that features unborn people who survived abortion procedures and grew up to be healthy adults.  Watch the spot that money couldn’t buy here

Pete Buttigieg has surged into an unexpected lead after the chaos of the Iowa caucus vote count.  He’s also on the record as welcoming all pro-life Democrats to leave that party.  Now he’s fully on the record as defending abortion up to and even after birth in some cases.  Read more here

Cal State San Marcos will pay more than $240,000 in fees to settle a federal lawsuit by a pro-life student group, which alleged the school refused to fund the group’s effort to bring an anti-abortion speaker to campus, while allowing regular student fees to fund programs on the opposite end of the political spectrum, attorneys said Tuesday.  Read the full story here

Pro-life organizations that use social media are gaining increasing confirmation that they are deliberately kept out of primary audiences on various social media platforms.  Read the latest confirmation from the Federalist here

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Pro Life News Roundup for June 3, 2019 https://scrtlmi.org/pro-life-news-roundup-for-june-3-2019/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pro-life-news-roundup-for-june-3-2019 https://scrtlmi.org/pro-life-news-roundup-for-june-3-2019/#respond Mon, 03 Jun 2019 13:00:54 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=757 The past week saw abortion law reviewed by the US Supreme Court, but no overall review of Roe v Wade was triggered.  Many scholars believe that this is because the laws that were reviewed were not sufficient to overturn Roe v Wade.  The most incendiary outcome of the review was Clarence Thomas’s concurring opinion in which he openly questioned the motives of the abortion movement and its historical roots in eugenics.  Even the New York Times admits “In any other area, the left would look at a history like this and ask whether those formal convictions are the only thing that matters, or whether the eugenic past still exerts a structural influence on the present. And in any other area of policy Thomas’s point about how legal abortion appears, in the aggregate, to act in racist and eugenic ways would be taken as an indicator that something more than just emancipation is at work.”  Read about Thomas’s opinion here and here.  The New York Times opinion piece can be found here.

Entertainment production companies are lining up to pressure Georgia for recently moving forward with anti-abortion legislation in another attempt to trigger a review of Roe v Wade at the Supreme Court.  CBS, NBC, Netflix, and Disney have all announced some level of intent to reduce operations in Georgia as a response.  Read more here.

Pro Life Democrat Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards signed into law a heartbeat bill that bans abortions after a heartbeat can be detected.  This represents a major break from his party, and a rare pro life victory legislated through a state with a sitting Democrat governor.  Read more here.

Finally, Illinois has passed a bill that would repeal the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975 and its provisions that called for spousal consent, waiting periods, criminal penalties for physicians who perform abortions and other restrictions on facilities where abortions are performed. The bill would establish “the fundamental right” of a pregnant woman to have an abortion and states that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights.”  Of course, in its quest to improve ‘women’s access to health care’, the bill also removes many medical requirements on those who would perform abortions.  Read more here and here.


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Pro Life News Roundup for May 20, 2019 https://scrtlmi.org/pro-life-news-roundup-for-may-20-2019/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pro-life-news-roundup-for-may-20-2019 https://scrtlmi.org/pro-life-news-roundup-for-may-20-2019/#respond Mon, 20 May 2019 13:00:17 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=754 Right to Life of Michigan has a new website that uses modern technology to make their extensive library of information and resources more searchable and mobile friendly.  Please check it out at www.rtl.org

Michigan recently passed legislation that will ban dismemberment abortions, which are exactly what they sound like.  The ban has passed the Michigan House and Michigan Senate and will now go to Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who will most likely veto the potential law. Right to Life of Michigan has already file paperwork with the State to begin a petition drive that would overturn the veto.  Find out more here

Producer Adam Trahan recently ‘came out’ as pro-life on social media and met almost immediate condemnation from pro-abortion celebrities and activists.  His revelation was in reaction to the social media ‘shout your abortion’ movement, which moved him to share his pro-life world view that emerged when he found out that he’d fathered a child with his girlfriend in the past but discovered she’d aborted the child without allowing him to know of it.  Read the full story here

In Louisiana pro-life Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards is poised to sign a bill banning abortions after fetal heartbeats can be detected.  Full story

Democrats are in genuine fear of losing Roe v Wade as legal precedent, and are seeking to make its preservation a  part of their 2020 Presidential platform.  An overall strategy of making the Supreme Court an issue has emerged and is beginning to formalize.  Read here

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Planned Parenthood Is Accused of Mistreating Pregnant Employees https://scrtlmi.org/planned-parenthood-is-accused-of-mistreating-pregnant-employees/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=planned-parenthood-is-accused-of-mistreating-pregnant-employees https://scrtlmi.org/planned-parenthood-is-accused-of-mistreating-pregnant-employees/#respond Thu, 27 Dec 2018 15:00:49 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=719 As a medical assistant at Planned Parenthood, Ta’Lisa Hairston urged pregnant women to take rest breaks at work, stay hydrated and, please, eat regular meals.  Then she got pregnant and couldn’t follow her own advice.  Last winter, Ms. Hairston told the human-resources department for Planned Parenthood’s clinic in White Plains, N.Y., that her high blood pressure was threatening her pregnancy. She sent the department multiple notes from her nurse recommending that she take frequent breaks.  Managers ignored the notes. They rarely gave her time to rest or to take a lunch break, Ms. Hairston said.  “I had to hold back tears talking to pregnant women, telling them to take care of their pregnancies when I couldn’t take care of mine,” she said. “It made me jealous.”

Read more at the New York Times

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Planned Parenthood Needs Two Ambulances to Handle Botched Abortion https://scrtlmi.org/planned-parenthood-needs-two-ambulances-to-handle-botched-abortion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=planned-parenthood-needs-two-ambulances-to-handle-botched-abortion https://scrtlmi.org/planned-parenthood-needs-two-ambulances-to-handle-botched-abortion/#respond Tue, 24 Apr 2018 14:00:56 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=587 A police unit and two ambulances with lights flashing were dispatched on April 5, 2018, to Planned Parenthood’s flagship abortion facility, the Margaret Sanger Center, located at 26 Bleecker St. on the corner of Margaret Sanger Square in New York City.

While police looked on, the second paramedic team emerged from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility with a young Black woman on a gurney. Paramedics waited until her male companion joined her in the ambulance then sped away to a nearby hospital at approximately 12:39 p.m. with lights flashing. However, sirens were not turned on until the ambulance was about a block away from Planned Parenthood.

For the full write-up, click here

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Miscarriage Informs Many on the Loss of Pre-born Life https://scrtlmi.org/miscarriage-informs-many-on-the-loss-of-pre-born-life/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=miscarriage-informs-many-on-the-loss-of-pre-born-life https://scrtlmi.org/miscarriage-informs-many-on-the-loss-of-pre-born-life/#respond Mon, 26 Mar 2018 13:00:48 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=578 Melissa Rauch, one of the stars of the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, has announced her second pregnancy with her husband Winston. At the same time, she reflects on the loss of their first child due to miscarriage. The actress, whose Big Bang character has been leaning pro-life in her own pregnancy, shared in a personal essay with Glamour magazine the pain that miscarriage caused her.

Read the rest of the story here

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Former Planned Parenthood Director Tells All https://scrtlmi.org/former-planned-parenthood-director-tells-all/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=former-planned-parenthood-director-tells-all https://scrtlmi.org/former-planned-parenthood-director-tells-all/#respond Tue, 08 Aug 2017 11:00:42 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=364 https://youtu.be/egKOXL6rBoY


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A Pro-Life Teen Responds to Teen Vogue’s Abortion Gift Guide https://scrtlmi.org/a-pro-life-teen-responds-to-teen-vogues-abortion-gift-guide/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-pro-life-teen-responds-to-teen-vogues-abortion-gift-guide https://scrtlmi.org/a-pro-life-teen-responds-to-teen-vogues-abortion-gift-guide/#respond Tue, 23 May 2017 13:00:37 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=305 Recently, Teen Vogue magazine published a guide to gifts to get a friend after they get an abortion.  Here is an awesome response from a pro-life teen that does a great job of re-focusing the conversation.


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Cree Erwin and the Myth of Safe Abortion https://scrtlmi.org/cree-erwin-and-the-myth-of-safe-abortion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cree-erwin-and-the-myth-of-safe-abortion https://scrtlmi.org/cree-erwin-and-the-myth-of-safe-abortion/#respond Mon, 27 Mar 2017 13:00:57 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=302 On June 30, 2016 24 year old Cree Erwin went to the Planned Parenthood facility in Kalamazoo, Michigan to have an abortion.  She died July 3, shortly after going to an emergency room complaining of abortion complications.  The heavily redacted autopsy was released last week, revealing that the cause of death was Erwin died of a blood clot in her uterus that traveled to her lung. The immediate cause of the blood clot was a perforated uterus following a vacuum aspiration abortion and IUD placement.  The practitioners at Planned Parenthood also prescribed methadone, which was also a factor in the death.

Read more about it at LifeNews, see the actual autopsy report here.

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ABORTION AND REGRET https://scrtlmi.org/abortion-and-regret/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=abortion-and-regret https://scrtlmi.org/abortion-and-regret/#respond Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:00:30 +0000 http://scrtlmi.org/?p=60 We have heard from famous women who have been very vocal about not regretting their abortion. In an attempt to give this view objectivity, Time Magazine published a review article in July of 2015 on a study in the journal, PLOS ONE. The study was a review of post abortive women who were interviewed over a three period. The researchers concluded that 95% of women in the study having elective abortions do not have regrets afterwards. Far from settling the debate there were groups such as the Elliot Institute that found concerns in the reported study. The Elliot Institute stated that only 32% of eligible women participated through the baseline interview. Those that were initially interviewed another 31% dropped out by the third year. In a similar post abortive interview study, Soderberg, the author, reported that those who refused to participate in the interview gave “guilt and remorse” as the most common answer. The concern about selection bias is highlighted in the PHOS ONE study stating, “Women feeling more relief and happiness at baseline were less likely to be lost at follow up.” The remaining group also was not representative of the general post abortion population with a very high percentage of women already raising children. Those who participated also got fifty dollars for each interview, creating another bias. The Elliot Institute also pointed out that the report and accompanying press release claim that this study proved there is “no evidence of widespread post abortion trauma syndrome,” in fact did not use any standard scales for assessment of psychological wellbeing. Instead their assessment of psychological health is all inferred from an assessment of six emotional reactions. Soderberg, in his Swedish study, found 50-60% of women undergoing induced abortion experienced some measure of emotional distress and 30% classified as severe. This was a series of 66.5% of women who underwent elective abortion at University Hospital in Malmo Sweden in 1989.

A local post abortive women gave us her experience: “My regret began when I knew my child was being taken from me and it continued for twenty-two years. Certain things would trigger my memories of that day. I felt empty and angry with myself for not standing up for my child. My anger came up at times and I didn’t always realize why until I got the help that I needed. It was not until I attended a Rachels Vineyard retreat that I was able to open myself up to the grief that was hidden inside. I met others who were in the same situation and together we were able to bond together and journey toward a path of healing.”

So what is the headline trying to say with the claim that 19 out of 20 women feel no shame about their abortion? It has strong implications to the women who are suffering that there must be something wrong with them because they are in the small minority. Women who experience negative emotions who hear these headlines may try to suppress or ignore negative feelings because they are just not accepted. Or if they are ready to deal with these feelings, family, friends, and counselors may believe that abortion should be psychologically safe and offer little support, leaving women to suffer in silence. This headline reinforces the main premise in Teresa Burkes’s book, Forbidden Grief, “That grief after abortion is neither expected nor permitted in our society.”

In the months ahead we will explore more mental health studies on post abortive women. As we go along on this journey together we will learn the battle lines are often not clear in the “war on women.”

If you or someone you know is suffering or broken from an abortion, woman or man, there are those that can offer help in a supportive, confidential and nonjudgmental environment. Don’t live in shame, fear, or numbness. Call 1-877 HOPE 4 ME (1-877-467-3463), or locally 1-989-797-6652.

SOURCES: Jenkins, Nash. Time. “Hardly Any Women Regret Having an Abortion, A New Study Finds.” 14,  July, 2015. Web. 12, December 2015.

AfterAbortion.org, Elliot Institute. “Study Claiming Women Don’t Regret Abortions Deeply Flawed and Deceptive.” 15, July, 2015. Web. 12, December 2015.

Burke, Theresa. Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion. Springfield: Acorn Books, 2002. Print.

Soderberg, Hanna. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. “Emotional Distress Following Induced Abortion.” 24, March, 1998.

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