Conference Book Ad
Since 1973, more than 61 million innocent lives have been lost to abortion, but there is hope on the horizon. Right to Life of Michigan (RLM) and Saginaw County Right to Life are actively engaged in promoting life through various educational, legislative, and outreach initiatives. Annually, RLM hosts a state conference aimed at equipping grassroots supporters with the necessary tools and information to effectively advocate for the pro-life cause within their communities. Attendees, patrons, and ad subscribers receive a conference book as a valuable resource.
We welcome you to consider placing a business or patron ad in the upcoming 2024 conference book. Business ads are tax-deductible and range from $50 for a one-sixteenth page ad (business card size) to $400 for a full-page ad. Patron listings include platinum for $100, gold for $50, silver for $25, and bronze for $15. Ad sizes can be found on the reverse side of the contract.
If you have advertised with us previously and wish to retain your previous ad without changes, simply indicate USE LAST YEAR’S AD, AS IS on the contract. Payments should be made out to RLM Conference Book and sent to our address at Saginaw County Right to Life 3195 Christy Way S., Suite 8, Saginaw MI 48603.
For first-time advertisers, please provide your own artwork such as a business card. Additionally, Saginaw County Right to Life receives rebates of up to 50% for ads ordered before April 12th and 40% before June 21st from RLM.ย For more information, feel free to call the office at 799-4464 or send an email to
Your timely response would be greatly appreciated as we work together towards promoting the sanctity of life.

Oppose Assisted Suicide
The Michigan Senate has recently presented a 4-bill package aimed at legalizing physician assisted suicide (PAS). The bills, numbered 678, 679, 680, and 681, seek to lift the ban on PAS in Michigan. If passed, these bills would transform Michigan into a suicide haven and permit physicians to prescribe lethal drugs to their patients. This move raises significant ethical concerns and undermines the dignity of the medical profession. It is incompatible with the healing role of physicians and would present considerable risks to the people of Michigan.
Please use THIS LINK and urge your legislator to reject S.B. 678-681 and vote NO on physician-assisted suicide.
Please Sign the Online Petition Regarding the Abortion Pill
Certain pharmacies are now authorized by the current Food and Drug Administration to distribute Mifepristone, which is an abortion pill. Right to Life of Michigan intends to launch a petition that will be sent to CVS, Walgreens, and any other pharmacy that has opted to dispense Mifepristone, urging them not to do so.
To send a powerful message to pharmacies, we need an overwhelming number of signatures. Please lend your support by signing the online petition below to restrict the proliferation of pharmacies distributing this hazardous medication in our neighborhoods.
Please view this linkยย and sign it immediately. Also, post it to your social media accounts and share it with your friends and families.

Blessing Bags
Our sister affiliates in Bay City and Midland have collaborated with Saginaw County Right to Life to produce Blessing Bags for our Sidewalk counselors stationed outside the Women’s Health Clinic in Saginaw. The counselors and women who have received the complimentary bags have expressed a great amount of gratitude and appreciation.ย Inside of the bags are resources, educational tools, information, fetal models, and other things that help expecting moms decide for life.ย ย
If you want to find out how you can be a part of this ministry, contact Saginaw County Right to Life at 989.799.4464 or email us at
Other News and Updates
Parental Consent for Minor Abortions
Performing an abortion on a minor without obtaining written consent from both the minor and one of their parents or legal guardians would be prohibited by this proposed law.ย Link
Michigan to Remove Conscientious Objections From Abortion Funding
Michigan’s Governor and legislature are attempting to force employers to finance abortions, even when against their guiding principles.ย Link